Part of the growth of each of our students is being able to expose their talent and demonstrate that the effort made is well appreciated. That is why we invite you to our next recital.
Recital Rules
Students must be present 60 minutes before the show start time.
Students who arrive after the start time will not be able to participate.
Photos and videos can be taken from the place where they are sitting. No one will be allowed to interrupt to take photos.
Students who do not play piano must bring their instrument. Musik Mogul will have piano, drums or an instrument that is difficult to move for the recital.
Participants must wear formal casual clothing. Students will not be allowed in sports clothing, sandals or clothing not appropriate for the event.
Each family can invite 3 guests.
Analía Tamaríz - Piano - Tic Tac Dreaming
Elias Grieve - Piano - Twelve
Kennedy Grieve - Piano - The Smiley Llama
Pablo Medina - Piano - Twelve
Lucas Medina - Piano - Dancing Chess
Ocean Murray - Piano - Over The Rainbow
Nichole Torres - Violin - Go Tell Aunt Rhody / Allegro
Julian M. Blake - Piano - Cinnamon Clock
Jordan Roggio - Guitar - Jingle bells
Sannika Gosavi - Piano - Star Box
Rocio Sanabria - Piano - After The Sunset
Angel Vega - Piano - El Condor Pasa
Aaron D Romero - Piano - Star Box
Sammy Callahan - Piano - Deck The Halls
Pearl Callahan - Piano - Santa Clause Is Coming To Town
Mia Espinosa - Piano - Silent Night
Mateo Jaimes - Piano - Color Of The Wings
Isaac Márquez - Drums - Rudolph The Red Nose Reindeer
Shanaya Grover- Singing - No One By Alicia Keys
Reyansh Grover- Drums - No One By Alicia Keys